Friday, February 29, 2008

Sisters, sisters, never were there such devoted sisters.

I just got a care package from Logan, and it is the best thing that has happened to me all week. I shall keep the contents to myself. All except the DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER that was included. Mmmm. It reminded me that I never did go to Peanut Butter & Co. while I was in New York. Clearly that will be on the agenda next time I go. Since I've been here I've decided that a year just isn't right without a trip to New York. I really did not anticipate loving that place so much. But I do. And I can't hide it any longer. The 4 train and I are getting married. That's how much we love each other. I can't resist that green circle.

Right now I am trying to get ready to go to Canterbury. I had written an entire paragraph detailing the crisis I was having re: which coat to bring, but I have decided that in order to not alienate my readership, deletion was necessary. No one must know the depths of my neuroses.

Anyway, the point of this post is that my big sister is awesome even though she saw Eddie Izzard last night and that makes me so jealous.

Also, I am leaving this poll a five-way tie and making a new one. Congrats to all you literary characters. You guys are stars.

P.S. My watch doesn't know, but it's a leap year! How exciting and mysterious this day is.


Logan said...

Hello my heart. I am glad you got your package and I hope you enjoy its contents. Thanks for the shout outs on your "web log"!

joshua said...

my favorite place in the car to sit is the middle back seat, so I can lean over the shoulders of the driver and front passenger

as such, I am unable to participate in your poll