Monday, February 18, 2008

My name is Jason Bourne.

double sided Sellotape + gold pencil + 2 tiny Moleskines + 2 report covers + scissors = passports for Cabaret

I went to this bangin' art supply store called Harold Hockey at the top of Whiteladies Road, and spent about an hour looking around for supplies. They actually came together quite well, considering I made them fairly speedily with no practice lettering or anything. I accidentally picked up a silver metallic pen instead of gold, though, so I'm going to go exchange the pen tomorrow and then go back over the lettering because I think the pencil might wear off.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders right now. And I feel really productive. But now I actually have to do real work. Like reading Henry V.

Next craft project: 1920s pack of cigarettes. I think I'm just going to buy a pack of Camel Lights, smoke them, and then dunk the package in tea. I'm not going for authenticity here.


Detgen said...

I am really impressed by those passports.

Logan said...

So am I. Using those tiny Moleskines was a master stroke.