Monday, March 3, 2008

That's about as useful as a chocolate fire god.

I will try to write a proper post about my trip to Canterbury, but I don't have time right now. The city was just as great as I remembered, although my memories of the days I spent there with GYC are now slightly tainted by much less wholesome memories. But that's OK. I had a lot of fun and sent many of my GYC buddies postcards.

I can't believe that so far I am the only one who prefers the driver's seat to the passenger's seat. I guess maybe I am just a control freak when it comes to driving. Ha. "Maybe."

I really should have stayed home and done work this weekend. I need to get back on track and write this goddamn Shakespeare paper. Blerg. I'm sure you will hear from me during fits of procrastination.

Barlow out.

1 comment:

Detgen said...

Your poll preference is no surprise to me. In fact, it is one of the reasons I miss you.