Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where are the french fries I did not ask for? You guys need to anticipate me!

Guys, I hate dorms. I was going to do my laundry tomorrow, but stupid Easter holidays have crushed my dreams. Jesus could not have picked a more inconvenient weekend to be crucified and then subsequently resurrected. Tomorrow I am going to go to a public laundromat in the daytime. That's a first for me. I like to do my laundry at night, mostly because that is usually when I realize that I ran out of clean clothes that morning. Actually, I really just like to do my laundry at home because it feels free and sometimes my mom does it for me.

I am super nervous about my trip. I am the worst traveler ever I think. I should employ someone to come with me so at regular intervals they can slap me across the face and scream "GET A GRIP, BARLOW." It would also be great if they could carry my bags and they knew a lot of foreign languages.

But just because I am nervous does not mean that I am not really, really excited. I am going to be in the Czech Republic on Saturday. It has yet to sink in. I've been looking forward to this since January of 2003. It's Jan's country! Maybe I will see him again, and I will say, "Remember when you were my waiter on the cruise I took when I was 15? Remember how sweaty and attractive you were? Let's get married!" And he will say, "Yes, let's. But first, would you like a Coke? The machine is not broken anymore." A girl can dream.

Look out for postcards.

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