Thursday, March 6, 2008

I don't drink hot liquids of any kind. That's the devil's temperature.

So I said I would post about my trip to Canterbury, and here it is. My friend Charlie studied in Canterbury awhile back, so we basically just went back to his favorite bar, The Two Sawyers, and had a fantastic time getting absolutely shitfaced both nights. Shitfaced like going to a gay club shitfaced, or doing flaming shots of Sambuca shitfaced. It was a really good time; Charlie knows the owners, Paul and Chantelle, and they were really awesome and hospitable and just genuinely great people. It was an excellent weekend for consumables, food and alcohol alike. The first night we were there I had one of the most excellent burgers of my life from The Two Sawyers. And then on Saturday we went with Paul and Chantelle to this place called Cafe De China which is an Asian buffet but not really. You pay the same flat fee, but you get to order from your table and everything comes out freshly prepared. Fantastic. I think there are pictures of the duck l'orange or whatever on Facebook.

Other than that we just walked around a lot, and I did some serious reminiscing about GYC. Charlie's friend Brooks came in on Saturday, and he was cool to hang out with. On Sunday Tina and I went to services at the cathedral, which was nice. The choir sang beautifully. It was a weekend of new experiences to be sure. And then the train ride back on Sunday was horrible; never travel on a Sunday.

Clearly I had a wicked hangover that lasted like, 2 days. I have laid off the booze this week and am looking forward to a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. My life thus far has not prepared me for the constant drinking and partying that everyone else I know seems relatively accustomed to. I got called a nerd a lot over the weekend, but I am OK with that. I mean, I did go into a board game shop to lust over the 3-D deluxe edition of Settlers of Catan. And I'm not ashamed of it.

This week has been pretty low key. Last night when I walked home I was so cold that I stopped in a chip shop and bought chips just to warm my hands. That was also my motivation for buying a cup of tea on my way to class yesterday.

I don't understand the polling feature on this website. When a poll ends, there should be a way to make a new one. But there isn't; not without uninstalling and reinstalling the entire feature. Once I think of a good question, I will do it. Even though all you passengers don't really deserve it. I can't wait to drive a car again. It's going to be weird. Yes. Weird enough to for 'weird' to be italicized.

1 comment:

Detgen said...

I cannot wait for you to drive a car again either. You are going to be my chauffeur. I am going to call you "Bernard of Bristol." (That's pronounced Behrnerd, by the way.)