Saturday, May 31, 2008

You're a towel.

Someone recently told me they had read my blog and that I was insane.

Last night I saw the Sex and the City movie, which I will not talk about here because of certain Logans who wish to remain unspoiled. I will tell you this: Rosebud is a purse.

Then also last night I stayed up all night. Like, all night. I didn't even SLEEP, which is what I normally do (lately for nine to ten hours at a time). That might be one of the only all-nighters I've ever pulled. I honestly don't know how people function on no sleep. I don't know if I applaud them, or just observe them keenly but warily. What are they trying to hide? And if that question doesn't make any sense, then: Why are they so alert?

Good news: My secret agent/Asian friend told me last night that golf courses often double as weapons bunkers. When questioned, however, he admitted they they do not have jets underneath them like the basketball court in X-Men. Disappointing. But, still. If I had known this sooner, I would have been way more likely to finally go to that GCC golf camp my dad kept bugging me about for like, eight summers in a row.

Golf camp. Psh. The only thing about golf that I'm good at is absolutely nothing. The first day of golf class at Thunderbird I picked up a left-handed club. I can't even watch it correctly. I always accidentally fall asleep or kill myself.

So. That's what's been going on here. A whole lot of nothing. I did finish What is the What, and am now reading Middlesex. Oh, and whenever I feel like going to campus again, one of my papers is ready to pick up. So that should be good, hopefully. OK! Bye!


Anonymous said...

I've got guilty catholic residue to hide...and its none of your goddamned business...unless you persist.

And he's Singaporean...not just 'Asian'. In fact, its the farthest thing from your racist ethnocentric limitations.

and no....I'm a well adjusted individual with impervious thoughts strangled in my're a towel.

Lindsey said...

No, you're a towel.