Monday, June 2, 2008

More business juice, please.

I have a pretty huge to do list for someone who has no real responsibilities or obligations. I need to go to the post office, buy groceries, pick up my paper, buy a luggage scale, clean my room, take a shower (these are not in order), put in my contacts, eat, plan a trip, do my laundry. BUT. All these things are made infinitely harder, and some even impossible, by the fact that I have yet again hurt my ankle.

What the hell is wrong with my ankles? I use them all the time. How can they be so weak. All I did was step down from a slight ledge onto a hill (completely sober, mind you), and now my left ankle is var, var painful. Kind of like my right one was six months ago.

Motherfocker. I am hungry. I guess I will limp around Bristol all day.

EDIT: I will not be limping around all day, because this shit is worse than I thought. Ugh.

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