Thursday, January 31, 2008

So, here's the Barlowdown*:

I have made this travel blog to keep you abreast of my goings on.

Today it was very cold. I walked the 2 miles to campus only to wait 20 minutes because the people I was meeting were late. Then I couldn't eat lunch with them because I had to get to class. So I bought a panini and some water, and the guy gave me sparkling water instead of still. So I killed him.

So far lectures have been good but slightly uninspiring. I think I should have perhaps taken Approaches to Shakespeare and another English class that wasn't for first years. Oh well. My question at this point is: Am I expected to use academic sources in an English paper, or is it merely my interpretation of the text? One hopes for the latter, but expects the former. BARF! I will ask my tutor.

I found the absolute worst version of Romeo and Juliet ever. It's the "New Swan Shakespeare." Not only were there two typos, but there were also pen and ink drawings of typical Elizabethan things like "a cook" (IV.ii.2) or some dude dressed funnily lighting the metaphorical cannon mentioned in the line "As violently as hasty powder fired / Doth hurry from the fatal cannon's womb" (V.i.64-65).

I recently found out that someone I am supposed to travel with at some point is opposed to the idea of hostels. Soon he will discover that I am opposed to the idea of me not punching him in the groin.

I have no plans yet for this weekend. I think I am going to the Coronation Tap on Friday, where I hope to get drunk on cider. Other than that, I will go where the wandering wind takes me. Which will probably be to my room, where If on a winter's night a traveler and many pieces of toast will be waiting.


*Copyright, JTW, 2008.


spies said...

A beautiful beginning. Haunting, evocative, and altogether toasty. Dear Readers, how many Britons will find their lives cut short by the sharp wit and steel blade of the American free spirit, Lindsey Barlow?

Paul J. Nguyen said...

I must say that I quite approve of everything so far.

Especially the violence.